Often you look out into the ocean on flat days and see people in the water standing on longboards. Don´t they see its flat. But most people can´t help but stare to see what exactly is happening out there; sometimes hundreds of yards off shore. Unlike surfing, SUP is much easier and has tons of benefits to surfing big waves.
Originating in Hawaii, SUP is an ancient form of surfering. And in recent years, re-invented by Laird Hamilton and Co. on days at home where the waves were only 20-25 feet. ONLY 20-25 feet! But yes, the form of SUP was highly beneficial to big wave riders like Hamilton to build endurance, stability, and core strength to take on what has been searched for for hundreds of years; ¨The 100ft Wave.¨ Events like Quiksilver XL bring out all big wave boarders hoping for that one wave to take the title. But for the rest of us, our heads are intact and we would never imagine taking on a wave that size. Even a 10th of that size has the possibilities of bodily damage.
So what use is SUP if your not a big wave rider? Other than being able to see waves as they build in the distance where other surfers can´t see past the wave in front, giving you the ability to catch more smaller waves as they approach by getting in the lineup before hand.
First, SUP builds endurance, like previously mentioned. The longer the session the more endurance workout that takes place in both the upper and lower body. Obviously build up to hour long sessions as it is quite the workout.
Second, stability. SUP builds stability in the ankle joints, helping to stabilize the body through balance. Think about your next surfing session and your ankles are like jell-o. Probably wouldn´t be a good surfing day. Next to stabilize is the knees and hips. Knee injuries are common in surfing, particularly short board surf as it is more extreme in movements. And hips to stabilize throughout turns and shifts in body weight. Think of your lower body as a metal chain, one kink in the chain and the chain falls apart. Now visualize the body as the same. The small muscles in the body are far more needed than the larger ¨beach body¨ ones. Although they are important as well.
Third, core strength. Now before I go off on a rant, there is no such thing as core. Its a made up word to popularize exercising and it has been areas under developed that needed a name to go along with exercise. Core is basically inner and outer abdominals and spinal stabilizers. The strength of the core helps the body equilibralize and balance the body in extreme movements. Like surfing for example.
And last, its a GREAT workout for the entire body. Its a old way to make exercising more fun in the modern day. Grab some boards and paddles, a few friends, and lake or ocean, and paddle away. You can have conversations and not even feel like you worked out. Well until the next day. But changing your daily workout is a way to increase muscle strength and growth while bursting through any plateus´ from the usual workout routine.
So next time your looking for a workout, check your local surf shop. They´ll have everything you need.